
research | strategy | innovation

Performing City Resilience (PCR) is a research centre and research-led consultancy co-directed by Patrick Duggan and Stuart Andrews. Drawing on 20+ years of international research, facilitation and project management, we work with stakeholders internationally to understand how concepts, strategies and practices of ‘performance’ can contribute to and reconfigure ideas and practices of ‘resilience’ in organisational, community, and city contexts.

While there has recently been significant international interest in questions of city and community resilience, and the development of corresponding resilience strategies, there has been no substantial engagement with the usefulness of performance practices to understandings, strategic policies and practices of resilience, especially emergency preparedness. Our work in the UK, Ireland and the USA has begun to fill that gap in thinking, with profound impact on organisational development, city-wide strategic planning and policy, and funding priorities.

Having worked internationally, in dialogue with global organisations seeking to identify, understand and address resilience challenges, we offer bespoke workshops, in-depth research analysis and facilitated networking activity, enabling our clients more fully to understand their resilience challenges and develop the means to meet them.