A little something extra
At the end of our plenary, we asked panelists, ‘Where should people go, or what should people do, instead of attending the conference, and why?’ Here are some of their responses.
Constance Thompson:
Sunday visit Congo Square located in Louis Armstrong Park where we keep the bamboula and calinda rhythm alive. It was the only place where our enslaved and free people of color ancestors could gather in the 19th century to meet and greet, dance, and exchange goods. We still meet every Sunday wear good shoes.
Take a walk in the French Quarter and look at all of the Adinkra symbols in the iron work!
Go eat at Dooky Chase or Willie Maes, support black owned and local eateries. Do not eat chain restaurant food.
Visit our beautiful museum; of course Ashe, but also New Orleans African American Museum, LeMusee Free People of Color Museum , Stella Jones Gallery, Shakor
Sit by the river, listen to the sounds of New Orleans and write about how you feel. What excites you, what are you grateful for, how is the city similar to your own/what is different and what will you miss about it come Monday when you depart.
Visit New Orleans Slave Trade Market and Tour: https://neworleansslavetrade.oncell.com/en/site-1-the-beginning-the-new-orleans-slave-trade-157278.html
Or take a Know NOLA tour by our [Ashé Cultural Arts Centre’s] Malik Bartholomew…
Jan Gilbert
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YHVC1DcHmo
Bywater: Crescent Park/http://www.bacchanalwine.com/ N7 Restaurant /The Music Box Village https://musicboxvillage.com St. Roch Cemetery https://www.saveourcemeteries.org/cemeteries/cemeteries/st-roch-nos-1-2.html
Quarter: The Family Line immersive play set in the BK House by Goat in the Road Productions http://www.goatintheroadproductions.org The Historic New Orleans Collection https://www.hnoc.org
City Park: NOMA Sculpture Garden/Botanical Garden/Cafe DuMonde alternative to waiting in line at French Quarter location.
Lakefront and Bayou St. John/Esplanade Ridge Area (One venue: REDART 2326 Esplanade Avenue robertctannen.com/redart.html)
Engage locals/visitors on the streets. And keep your ears open if there happens to be a second line/jazz funeral/special event happening.
11/03/-13/2022 – 33rd New Orleans Film Festival
Creole Death and Mourning Tours Dates vary between October 5, 2022 – November 14, 2022 Hermann-Grima House
11/05/2022 – Bayou Bacchanal
11/06/2022 – Oak Street Po-Boy Festival
Joycelyn Reynolds
Get a Gambit, look at the cultural activities happening this weekend, select something and enjoy, skip a conference session
Go to the Louisiana Craft Guild shop in Canal Place Mall and buy a piece of original art as a memento on New Orleans
Support small businesses along Magazine Street
Austin Feldbaum
On the evening of November 2nd join the Krewe de Mayahuel’s Dia de los Muertos procession to the St. Roch Cemetery (starting at Beanlandia community center, by Markey Park).
Also, go catch Goat in the Road’s new immersive production The Family Line (http://www.goatintheroadproductions.org/)
Patrick Duggan
Walk from the conference hotel through the French Quarter, taking in a bit of Bourbon St, cutting down to Royal St and then on into Jackson Square. Continue down Decatur and through the French Market until you find the beginning of Crescent Park (on N Peters St). How did this feel, what did you notice as you walked, what surprised you, what didn’t you like? Walk through the park, along the river – spend time at the bench swings or stand at the water’s edge for a bit. How different does this space feel from the French Quarter? Walk to the end of the park and cut across to Bacchanal or Parleaux for some refreshments (and live music if you time it right). If you fancy it, stroll back towards the conference venue through the Bywater and Marigny – there are lots of great places to stop en route.
Eat at Dooky Chase.
Find a bar outside the Quarter, away from the thronging crowds and strike up a conversation with locals.
Visit Ashé Cultural Arts Center.
Attend The Family Line.
Visit the Music Box Village (end of N Rampart St) and explore the space, then walk up the levees of the Industrial Canal to watch ships pass – how does this feel? What is it like to stand below the water line (in the Village) and then to walk up the levee? What does this make you think about?
See live music.
Stuart Andrews
Arrange a visit to A Studio in the Woods. Take a taxi the twenty minutes or so there. Walk up the levee to see the river. Take account of the practice and politics of the levees. Watch the turkey vultures circling overhead. Look up artists who have been resident at the Studio, the work they’ve done and how this work has informed their arts practice in and of the city.
Go to the Zony Mash Beer Project on Thalia St, for free live music. Go tonight (4th November), if tickets are still available.
Take the ferry to Algiers Point. What do the journey and point of arrival reveal about New Orleans? Take the return ferry or return by road.
Order small plates, there’s wonderful food here, but on a short trip, there are not enough mealtimes in a day.
Come back to the city. Again and again. Resist the temptation to tick off having done the city. Write, update, and share your own lists.