New Book for Fall 2025

Andrews and Duggan, Rethinking Resilience: Contemporary Performances of New Orleans

Rethinking Resilience will be published in Fall 2025 with Louisiana State University Press. In this co-authored book, we draw together critical understandings from our ongoing engagement with arts and resilience practices in New Orleans, which began in 2017.

Through this book, we seek to reveal and demonstrate the value of arts and culture in terms of resilience. This is not to put arts and cultural practice in the service of resilience agendas, but rather to identify ways in which arts and culture practitioners may engage in new, productive, and mutually beneficial conversations with resilience professionals to rethink readings of, and responses to, pressing local challenges. Our intention is not to appear to co-opt arts and everyday practice into an argument about resilience, but rather to suggest that, internationally, it is all too easy to misunderstand the seriousness with which practitioners of arts and culture attend to the place in which they live and the challenges facing that place. 

Andrews and Duggan (Rethinking Resilience)

We are delighted that Joycelyn Reynolds, President and CEO of Arts New Orleans, the city’s officially designated arts agency, is contributing a forward to this book. ANO supports artists, culture bearers, arts practices, and culture in the city. Their work includes grant-making, and supporting public art and events here. The organisation does excellent work embedding arts and culture as pivotal in all areas of policy, planning, and placemaking.

See this letter by Jenny Keegan Acquisitions Editor, Louisiana State University Press for details on the acceptance of this monograph.